Motion Graphic

Motion Graphics Video Production Company

Stand out from the crowd and engage your audience with our animated motion graphics services!

Get new video storytelling ideas to crush your business goals!

2D Motion Graphics Animation Services

The aircraft fan manufacturer wanted to make its audience aware of its unique offer to develop a private aircraft fan. So, we did an infographic video explaining them.

Animated Video Bumper

The main goal of the video was to present the artistic works presented by the channel, taking into account that the introduction of the video should appear quickly and simple, but it catches the eye.

"Make your Audience Care

Make your customer FEEL like a Hero – with your offering as the superpower, of course! Make them feel understood and appreciated. Engage and Inspire, not just inform.

Take your audience on an emotional journey to their goals. There will be ups-and-downs along the way. Then end on a high, with an inspiring message and a call-to-action.

3-step video success plan (VSP)

Help us pick your brain

It all starts with you filling this short form and letting us know a bit about yourself. We require you to fill the project questionnaire that you receive after filling the first form. This helps us pick your brain and deliver a custom storytelling strategy proposal

Select your video package

In the proposal we sent you after filling the forms, you'll find three custom packages. Based on your budget and requirement, you need to pick a package for the project. Once done, our team prepares the documentation and sends it over to you.

Execute the plan, together

Once done, we give you a basecamp login for project tracking and connect you with a dedicated creative team led by your producer. We work closely with you to meet video objectives and deliver our signature WOW experience!

What is a motion graphics video?

Motion graphics videos are essentially short videos that illustrate complex concepts in an engaging manner. We create these videos for brands to explain why their company’s solution is the most superior.

Are animated motion graphic videos effective?

Yes, motion graphic videos are extremely effective since they sustain the audience’s interest. Effective videos explain the most amount of content in the shortest amount of time – this is something we excel at.

Who needs animated motion graphic videos?

Because motion graphic videos are so versatile, they can be a good approach for any brand. An explainer video is perfect to describe why your company’s product or service is better, or how your company differs from the many others in the market.

How long should an animated motion graphic video be?

When it comes to animated motion graphic videos, there’s no one-size-fits-all. Many such video companies believe that the shorter the video is, the better it is for the brand. But, the truth is that the length of the video will vary based on what you are trying to communicate. That said, the first 5-6 seconds of the video is most crucial because that is what results in a higher engagement rate.

What is the ideal video length for an animated motion graphic video?

Ideally, we recommend keeping the length of the video to around 2 minutes. However, the ideal length will vary based on whom the video is aimed at and what it communicates.

How much does a motion graphic video cost?

The prices start from $400 USD for 60 seconds of video time, for a whiteboard motion graphic video.

How long does it take to produce an animated motion graphic video?

It can take us anywhere between 1 to 6 weeks to produce an animation motion graphic video.

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